
The LevelBot automatically kills targets of your choice under various settings to choose from

You can use the LevelBot to let it automatically kill targets for you and use SelfBuffs if needed. The following Tutorial will guide you through the setup of the LevelBot.

- Preparing

  • First of all, head over to the "Universe"-Tab and go to the spot you want to kill monsters at, preferably where many monsters spawn.

  • You may also want to use the Potions Feature to keep your HP/MP/FP up.

- Entity List

  • Choose the monster(s) you want PoryBotM to attack, by firstly typing in the name of the monster:

  • Now tap on the monsters you want to add to the whitelist. Only those selected monsters will be attacked by PoryBotM:

It also works backwards to remove already selected monsters. Simply tap those to remove them from the list.

- LevelBot Settings

  • Next, we are going to choose the attack key in the game, which will be used to attack monsters. This can be a skill of your choice or the attack motion.

  • Scroll down a bit, so you can see the following:

  • Click on the "Universe"-Tab and hit the arrow button on the bottom left:

  • Tap on "Skills":

  • Choose a Skill and tap on it. Then, drag it's icon on the right side of the window:

  • Drag and place the skill somewhere on a marked circle:

  • Alternatively, you can choose the attack motion instead of a skill:

  • Back to "LevelBot"-Tab, tap on "Set Atk Key Pos." to tell PoryBotM where the skill/motion is located at.

  • After tapping, it will ask you for it's position. Simply tap on the motion/skill:

  • You may also want to change the attack delay, which is the time PoryBotM waits between sending attacks. We will keep it on default(1000ms = 1 second) for this example, but feel free to change the value according to your needs. For example: If your casting speed is faster than 1 seconds, reduce it accordingly:

  • Additionally, you can set the "Limit Attack Range", which determines the max. range PoryBotM will attack monsters on. This can be helpful on specific spots, where you rather want to have a smaller or bigger attack range. Keep it on default(50) if the attack range seems fine.

  • Make sure to enable the feature by toggling it if you want to limit the attack range:

  • There's also a way to Selfdefend yourself, which will focus attacks on monsters that are attacking you and ignores the Entity List, so it focuses on any monster that's attacking you. You can enable the feature by toggling it:

- SelfBuffs

  • You can let PoryBotM automatically use SelfBuffs after a chosen amount of time.

  • Scroll down so you can see the SelfBuffs part:

  • Type in the Name of your SelfBuff, which is "Critical Shot" for this example. You can of course use any other SelfBuff.

  • Enter the Time it takes after PoryBotM should re-buff the SelfBuff(s). On this example we got 11 minutes and 35 seconds:

  • Place your SelfBuff onto the a slot, by dragging the icon on the right side of the Skill window:

  • Drop it somewhere on the screen onto a circle:

  • Next, hit "Set Position" and tap the position where your SelfBuff is now located at:

  • After tapping, it will ask you for it's position. Simply tap on the motion/skill:

  • To finally add the SelfBuff, hit the "Add" button. You can then see the new SelfBuff in the list:

  • If you ever need to change settings of existing SelfBuffs, select the one you want to edit and tap the "Edit" button:

  • That's it! Feel free to add multiple SelfBuffs!

Note: If you are done with your settings, hit the "Start LevelBot"-Button on the bottom(scroll down).

Last updated