Our collection of frequently asked questions will help you understanding common things you should know about PoryBot-Z Mobile. Please make sure to read them carefully

Note: If you reach out the support, we will always expect you to know our F.A.Q's!

Where can i purchase PoryBot Mobile?

You can purchase a license for PoryBot Mobile on our Payhip page: here

How to setup PoryBot Mobile?

Follow the instructions given on our Wiki page: here

Do you provide Support?

Of course we are providing support for Basic, Ultimate and Mobile Version.

However we are focussing on Ultimate and Mobile as those have paid for the service and will always get our attention.

Our support mainly happens via > Discord <, where we are active and try to reply as fast as possible.

Feel free to add "porybot" if you have any questions or need help.

What types of files I will get after purchasing?

You will get an APK(.apk) file which needs to be installed on your Android Device with Android Version 6 or higher.

You will additionally get a Serial Key for your License, which you can activate inside the App to start your mobile botting experience!

Please head over to our Instructions page for detailed information.

How to get future updates?

You will always get free updates automatically inside the APP.

Where do i find the update logs?

Update - and Patchlogs are only accessible if you join our Discord server. You additionally have to provide your valid serial key in order to confirm your license and get access to hidden channels.

Please add "porybot" on Discord to do so.

Google Login is not working. What should i do?

In order to use your Google Account to login to the game via PoryBot, you will have to unlink it and make it a regular account.

Follow these steps:

1) On the login screen of Flyff Universe, click "Forgot Password" 2) Put in your Google E-Mail address 3) Go to the Google mail you received, click on the link and set a new password 4) From now you can use the regular Login with the Google E-Mail adress as account and the new password

Are Emulators allowed?

No. Emulators are not allowed and blocked by PoryBot Mobile for multiple security related reasons. Therefore this would be a reason to permanently ban you from all our services.

Can i run the Bot in background so i can do other things?

No. PoryBot Mobile has to be fully visible on screen to work.

Which other servers or pservers are supported?

None. Only Flyff Universe is supported.

Which languages are supported?

Currently we do not support any other languages than English. This means you have to play the game in English as well.

Can i share my license to a friend or another device?

No. A license is bound to the first device it has been used at and cannot be transfered to another device or person.

Does it work for iOS as well?

No. iOS devices are not supported yet.

On which Android version does it work?

PoryBot Mobile works on Android 6 and higher.

Still Questions? Join our Discord Server!

Join the Discord Server and add "porybot" to your friend list. If you want to be updated with the lastest news, update logs and discuss with other botters, you can get access to the hidden PoryBot-Z channels after providing your valid serial key.

Last updated